A Practical Guide for Engaging Stakeholders in Developing support dialogue, reflection, identifying and challenging assumptions, asking questions and providing . Consider the mix of reasons stakeholders are willing to get involved . mine the focus of the evaluation and the questions the evaluation . http://www.rwjf.org/files/research/49951.stakeholders.final.1.pdf
1 QUESTIONS FOR A MULTI-STAKEHOLDER DIALOGUE ON ... group or ideology i.e. do not get involved in the political process if this is avoidable. Let the continuance or diminishment of mining investment in that host . http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/8/59/34304919.pdf
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Keystone Center Dialogue on Pebble Mine Nov 15, 2010 . Drilling rigs at the Pebble Mine prospect (March 2008) . Keystone Center, an organization that specializes in convening stakeholder dialogues . http://www.groundtruthtrekking.org/Issues/MetalsMining/KeystonePebble.html
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111208_UHMD End of Year Report_FINAL.indd The Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue brings together the nine coal . We will also conduct mine tours so that stakeholders can get a better understanding of the . http://www.nswmin.com.au/ArticleDocuments/317/111220_UHMD%20End%20of%20Year%20Report_FINAL.pdf.aspx
FAQ's - Dialogue on the Potential Development of the Pebble Mine Does the dialogue process address whether there will be a mine? . Stakeholders face critical choices about whether to support a mining proposal and, . b) Interested parties email list: To get on the list, send an email to This email address is . http://www.keystone.org/policy-initiatives-center-for-science-a-public-policy/environment/156-pebble/242-pebble-faqs.html
Stakeholder Consultation dialogue between the project company and its stakeholders. Stakeholder . process is an opportunity to get information, as well as to educate company staff . http://www1.ifc.org/wps/wcm/connect/5a4e740048855591b724f76a6515bb18/PartOne_StakeholderConsultation.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CACHEID=5a4e740048855591b724f76a6515bb18
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Stakeholder Workshop Report - ACCSR Upper Hunter Mining Dialogue Stakeholder Workshop Report. 1 . NSWMC, local government and Regional Development Australia to get funding. 21 . http://www.accsr.com.au/pdf/110822_Stakeholder_Workshop_Report_FINAL.pdf
Multistakeholder Cooperation in Sustainable Development Policy ... multitude of stakeholders with (strongly) divergent value systems and . The dialogue, called the Mining, Minerals and Sustainable Development (MMSD) . the mining sector could do in order to get itself on a sustainable development track. http://www.wzb.eu/en/research/civil-society-conflicts-and-democracy/international-institutions/projects/transnationale-governance-z
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intercultural dialogue - Kested Feb 6, 2012 . how to properly punctuate dialogue in a story. dialogue youth east ayrshire stakeholders of mining dialogue buy purchase . http://kested.com/dialogue-mapping-wikipedia/