Across the border | Tijuana and Baja California
May 27, 2011 . I can always tell when three-day weekends are coming up like this one for Memorial Day. . “just cross the mexico us border last wekend for the 2nd time no . Pets at the border: A Tijuana dog's cross-border tail, er tale .

Crossing Canadian/US border with my doggie (vet, barking, husky ...
Mar 31, 2009 . When I called the border crossing to find out what. . the dog's breed and had a description of the dog so Customs can make sure that your dog .

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Travelling with Pets »
We have a separate web page for every border crossing between the two countries which . While U.S. and Canadian regulations are similar, just because your pet was allowed . You can in fact be blocked from bringing your pet back home.

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  • Can I Bring My Pet to Canada?
    crossing the canada border · passports · plan a trip to canada. Question: Can I Bring My Pet to Canada? Answer: Dogs and cats that are at least three months old .

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